Wednesday, October 21, 2009


For the past week, I've been re-experiencing one of my favorite television shows of all time, Dead Like Me. Its a dark comedy about a girl named Georgia who is unexpectedly killed at age 18, and is given the job of becoming a "grim reaper," taking the souls of people before they die.

It was really a wonderful series that tackles some of life's questions. Watching an episode tonight, a very interesting quote came up that I thought could be applied to the philosophy of this blog. George's grandmother, a free spirit who spends her days traveling and enjoying life, and her mother, who spends her time in the home worrying about household chores, get into an argument about each other's lives. Here's the part that struck me the most:

Mother: "You just love to parade around with stories all about your wonderful free spirited life."

Grandmother: "Stories don't happen to people inside."

It's true, they don't. You need to get out there and experience life, to talk about it. It's plain and simple. If you sit around your house (apartment in my case) and don't do much with yourself, there will be nothing of real interest to convey with others. Even the main character even realizes that even-though she died at such a young age in her life, she never truly experienced life, and living through her afterlife doesn't seem to be the same.
If anyone tries to have a discussion with me, I often find myself talking down their throats for hours. I've just experienced so much in my life and I enjoy telling every detail about it, and it's all from living.

It's really a shame the series got cancelled a few years back. Both seasons as well as a movie are available on DVD. I HIGHLY recommend the show to everyone. You'll probably see me making more references to the show actually, seeing as a lot of the stories do apply to this blog.

I'll let it slide if you guys don't get out and live for a few days due to you experiencing this wonderful show, just enjoy watching every minute of it! :)